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Ceramics that tell a story
Introducing Borrowed Earth, whose Aotearoa inspired pottery pieces capture the beauty of New Zealand’s landscapes and culture.
A jigsaw puzzle that will transform your home into a gallery
Discover a jigsaw puzzle that will make your dining table a work of art, with Auckland Museum’s new eye-catching puzzle, the first of an original series drawn from our collections.
Inspired by the success of our free online puzzles, the Museum has created a debut jigsaw puzzle featuring a stunning Serene Hodgman artwork.
Collections Inspired
Our products reflect our collections and support Auckland Museum’s role as a war memorial.
Support the Museum
Every purchase you make from the Museum Store helps us to care for our precious taonga and bring history to life.
Supporting local
We support a range of local artists and makers to promote quality products that are uniquely Aotearoa.
Visit us
Our Museum Store is open every day except Christmas Day, and we also have a special exhibition store throughout every major exhibition.
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